Sumitomo’s reputation as a strong marketing power is based on its global network for new product development, not only in Japan but also in America and Europe. The company is a world leader in the field of total system integration.

Selectica’s teaming with Sumitomo already has resulted in a contract with Hitachi to deploy Selectica’s ISS application for use in Hitachi’s computer division. The contract is Selectica’s first in Japan.

Sumitomo is ideally situated to introduce our innovative ISS software suite in Japan, said Raj Jaswa, president and chief executive officer of Selectica. Sumitomo’s existing customer base includes all of the leading Japanese high technology companies, and we foresee a long-term relationship that will greatly benefit both companies.

Selectica’s ISS suite is the best solution for B2B and B2C in the e-Commerce age. Many information technology companies have shown extreme interest in the Selectica ISS suite, said Kyoji Inomata, Vice President, Sumisho Electronics Co., Ltd. The Selectica application duplicates the best practices of the most effective salesperson using the Internet platform. It’s a technology that customers have eagerly awaited.

If demand for Selectica’s ISS suite meets expectations, Inomata said, Sumisho plans to quickly increase sales and support resources. Unlike other product configuration solutions, Selectica’s software is based on a unique modeling language that is simpler to modify than traditional programming code. As a result, non-technical managers and others can easily and quickly update product information from component availability to price data without taking the system down.

In contrast, other configuration solutions often require extensive reprogramming by a technical specialist, along with lengthy periods of downtime, to make even the simplest specification or price changes. These factors contribute to an accumulation of inaccurate or obsolete product information in the system, which, in turn, can lead to a high rate of order errors.