The Yehuda, Israel-based company was quick to distance itself from what it sees as large enterprise integration offerings. Menachem Hasfari, CEO of Magic Software said: According to industry experts, there is currently no clear leader providing application integration tools and solutions for mid-sized companies. While large, high-end companies have been a target of EAI solution vendors for some time, iBolt …targets organizations in the mid-market.

When it announced disappointing results for its third quarter ended September 30, 2002, Magic said it would increasingly focus attention away from application development – its bread and butter – and concentrate instead on enterprise application integration. The company said iBolt is a comprehensive suite for application integration, including a set of capabilities for handling integration and exchanging transactions in a heterogeneous environment. It includes support for business process management (BPM), monitoring and real-time reporting. The company’s eDeveloper application development environment is a core component of the iBolt Studio.

Other features include database interoperability, the ability to work with multiple databases in the same process, and the capacity to deploy on a range of systems on varied platforms. It also includes an assortment of smart connectors and adapters, and ready-to-use components, Magic said. Interfaces are provided with iBolt for messaging and middleware technologies, such as XML, web services, Websphere, MQ, JMS, MSMQ, J2EE and .NET platforms. The integration software can be deployed on Windows, most Unix platforms including AIX, HP-UX and Solaris, Linux, and the IBM iSeries.

Magic Software also announced results for the fourth-quarter ended December 31. It said sales were $13.8m, down from $17.4m in the year-ago period. The net loss was $3.3m or $0.11 cents per share compared with a net loss of $27.8m or $0.94 cents per share a year ago.

The company clearly hopes its new-found focus on EAI for small to medium businesses will improve its fortunes. The current market trends are pointing to the beginning of a recovery in exactly the areas where Magic Software has traditionally played well, application development and enterprise integration, said Hasfari on the announcement of the results.

Source: Computerwire