¡X Revenues for Q1, Q2 and Q3 in 2001 amounted to NT$50B (US$1.4B) as compared to NT$81B (US$2.3B) for the same period last year, sliding by about 38 percent.

¡X Profit before tax was NT$960M (US$28M) for the first three quarters of 2001.

¡X Net profit in Q1, Q2 and Q3 of 2001 came to NT$619M (US$18M), down from last year’s NT$6.15B (US$178M) ¡X a drop of nearly 90 percent.

¡X Earnings per share were approximately NT$0.15 for the first three quarters of 2001, as compared to NT$1.57 over the same time frame last year.

According to Chief Financial Officer Philip Peng, because the IT products business was slow worldwide in the third quarter, the financial results for Acer’s OEM and branded businesses reflect minor losses. However, Acer has improved the quality of operations in both its OEM and branded business units over the last few months, and expects performance to turn around in the fourth quarter of this year.