ITNET will continue to provide the technical resources for the management and control of the critical IBM systems based in RAC’s Hitchin offices.

The system, called Respond, is a mission critical system that manages the membership details of not only RAC’s individual customers but its fleet and commercial customers too. It allows RAC to provide a fast and reliable service to over six million customers and, together with RAC’s advanced command and control system, enables its 1,250 patrols to respond effectively to more than 2.7 million breakdowns a year.

The 21 ITNET employees currently working with RAC will continue to support them, 10 of these staff were originally transferred from RAC at the start of the original contract in 1996.

RAC Group IT Director Trevor Didcock comments, Since we began working with ITNET in 1996, they have proven time and again that they can provide a solid, reliable service. Our relationship has gone from strength-to-strength.

ITNET thoroughly understand our culture. We don’t see them as a service provider, but more of a close partner, helping us to maintain our outstanding service to the motorist.