In fact there was other good news in London with overall market share rising to 9.1 per cent. The results show that Kiss – which had a 36 per cent boost in the number of 15-24-year-olds tuning in year-on-year – is the second most popular station in the capital. And Magic is the second most listened to station, with the number of hours each person tunes in for rising to a weekly average of 8.6.

In the last quarter Kiss 100 has recorded an eight per cent rise in adult reach, meaning 1,457,000 listeners aged 15 plus are tuning in. And the station is still leader in the 15 to 24 market for male listeners, although they lost their crown to Capital as overall champion in this category.

Performance chief executive Tim Schoonmaker said: It is fantastic news for the network to be able to achieve the number two position in London for our two main radio brands in what is traditionally a low quarter – but we’ll also have Kiss 100’s rightful 15 to 24 leadership back from Capital next time round please!

In the north the Big City Network remains the clear market leader. Amongst adult listeners (15-years plus) the eight stations together are well ahead of their rivals in the North West, North East and Yorkshire regions. The network delivers a combined reach of 3,597,000 listeners each week, all tuning in for an average of 10.2 hours. Overall, 15.8% of the population listen to one of the stations, putting the network well ahead of its rivals.