The company is believed to be thinking around open source’s position in integration, with plans for WebLogic 9.0 already on the drawing board.

It is believed the free, open source JBoss application server is taking business from the WebLogic application server in the realms of application development.

BEA offers WebLogic to developers for free, but feels it has failed to adequately communicate the availability.

Integration, though, is one of BEA’s largest gambles as it seeks to move outside its application server stronghold and take integration business from number-one application server competitor, IBM Corp [IBM].

BEA feels separate integration, portal and application server development will merge through integration.

It claims its approach brings application integration to a mass market, dismissing vendors like SeeBeyond Inc and webMethods Inc as integrators serving vertical markets.

It sees traditional enterprise application integration (EAI) as being expensive and time demanding. The average EAI deal’s price has fallen to $450,000 per license and can go down further to $200,000, which his music to BEA’s ears.

This article was based on material originally published by ComputerWire.