Americel has been using the messaging center of Telemig Celular, implemented by CMG. Following a change of ownership, Americel switched to the Logica solution and will now reap the benefits of a flexible, robust SMSC, a range of revenue-generating applications and a first class support team.

The partnership with Americel proves Logica’s leadership in the Brazilian SMS market, says Alan Coad, president of Logica in South America. We have consistently proven that our products surpass those of our competitors, he added.

With the new Logica platform, the 500,000 subscribers can use the Americel On Line service, which allows messages to be sent from one handset to another or even to email accounts, and vice versa. Besides this, the user can receive news on their handsets and download special icons and ring tones from the Internet through the operator’s website.

With the new platform, Americel plans to expand the SMS service even further. Our objective is to continue offering innovations which represent real benefits for our customers, says Tiago Maranhão, the services and products manager at Americel. Logica’s SMSC enables us to provide an enhanced portfolio of services and applications, positively affecting the bottom line.