Sherwood’s software will support a new product and service to the Insurance Market called Consumer Direct which has been jointly developed by Capita Eastgate and Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. Its first customer is Abbey National with many other insurance parties showing interest in the product and services provided.

The ProGen2 technology is a proven solution for all lines of general insurance, catering for e-business, EDI and is Euro compliant. Capita Eastgate fully expects that this software will play a key role in enabling them to have a competitive edge in offering business transformation services to the UK insurance industry.

Commenting on the announcement, Ian Bullen, Director of Insurance Markets at Sherwood International, says, We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with Capita Eastgate in supporting their drive into the financial services marketplace. This contract is further evidence of Sherwood’s commitment to the general insurance market.

Phil Braithwaite, Capita’s Group Commercial Director, says, We have every confidence that Sherwood International will bring quality of product and service, supporting and enabling the development of our offering to the Insurance Market.