Microsoft is gearing up for Internet of Things revolution by launching the Windows Internet of Things Developer programme.

The programme is aimed at educating developers about the Microsoft products and technologies that can be used to create connected devices used for IoT applications.

With the programme, Microsoft aims to bring Windows and development tools, like the Visual Studio suite, to a new class of connected devices like Intel Edison and Raspberry Pi.

The IoT Developer Program was revealed last year, with Windows announcing support for Intel’s Galileo computing platform. The company has now added Raspberry Pi 2 to the list with an embedded Raspberry Pi 2 version of Windows 10.

According to reports, Microsoft is seeing a huge opportunity in terms of selling the embedded solutions that will power IoT devices, while making sure that the devices connecting through its system pass data back to a Windows Server.

However, the company eventually aims to grab data from billions of devices into its own Azure cloud-computing platform, reported Ferret.

Microsoft already has Windows Embedded Compact OS, which is already being used in ATMs, health monitors, industrial devices, and mobile handsets. With the new initiative, the company wants to push its Embedded Compact OS to manufacturars of IoT devices.