Wind River and Agere will make Tornado for Managed Switches (TMS 2.0) and other networking software from Wind River available on Agere´s family of network processors and switch fabrics. Related links

Wind River´s TMS is an embedded software solution for advanced data networking equipment. Agere´s family of network processor and switch fabric products is designed for carrier-class network applications, from 622 megabits per second (Mbits/s) to 40 gigabits per second (Gbits/s). Developers of networked devices will be able to take advantage of Wind River´s software technology and the Agere PayloadPlus network processor without focusing their development time and money on hardware and software integration. This cooperative development agreement will make Wind River´s TMS 2.0, WindNetMPLS (multi-protocol label switching), and WindNet A(TM) (asynchronous transfer mode) platform available to PayloadPlus customers. It builds on an existing relationship under which Agere ships Wind River´s VxWorks real-time operating system with many of Agere´s network processor development systems.

The technology collaboration between Wind River and Agere provides mutual customers with a powerful platform that will allow developers to focus their efforts on those features of their product that provide market differentiation. The standard protocols required for a broad range of networking devices, including Ethernet switches, Internet protocol (IP) routers, MPLS routers, and A(TM) switches, will be available on the Agere PayloadPlus network processor reference platforms.

A primary goal for our customers is to significantly cut their development time and focus on getting their solution to market quickly, said Dave Fraser, vice president and general manager of Wind River´s Networks business unit. Network processors represent a tremendous change in the networking marketplace. The speed and carrier-class feature set of Agere´s PayloadPlus allow developers to take advantage of the flexibility that software provides. Our joint development work with Agere lets the user get right to the part of the development that adds the most value to their final product. Our enterprise and carrier networking software products integrate seamlessly for a complete solution giving customers a very versatile and powerful solution.

This hardware and software integration will give our joint customers a more complete integrated solution that further magnifies their time-to-market competitive advantage, said Ford Tamer, general manager of Agere´s network processing and switch business. Wind River´s networked software support platform, especially with its advanced routing protocols and quality of service (QoS) instrumentation, is a good complement to the wire-speed switching and routing multi-protocol capabilities of Agere´s network processor family of products.