The threat of cybercrime – particularly identify theft – is ever-present and growing rapidly. At least one incident of economic mass victimization of thousands of Internet users will occur by the end of 2002, according to a new Gartner Inc. study of Internet crime. The governmental Internet Fraud Complaint Center reports a steady rise in the number of consumer complaints of Internet fraud from 106 countries around the world.

We see an increasing need for businesses to implement a state-of-the-art e-security solution, said Dr. Alastair MacWillson, joint global CEO for beTRUSTed. Through this alliance with Equifax Secure, we have the opportunity to ensure that our customers have peace of mind, with e-security solutions from two of the most trusted names in the industry.

As businesses face increasing risk in the e-commerce environment, the pairing of beTRUSTed and Equifax Secure products and services allows companies to reduce the risks associated with online communications, said Ron Garmon, senior vice president and general manager of Equifax Secure.

Under the alliance, Equifax Secure along with beTRUSTed will provide digital certificate registration authority services and patent-pending authentication solutions. As a result, beTRUSTed alongside Equifax will have the ability to authenticate communicating parties, validate the identity of prospective partners, issue certificates and oversee certificate renewal and revocation.

Equifax and beTRUSTed will offer enhanced authentication and registration services as part of a seamless Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) service. The alliance enables beTRUSTed to leverage Equifax’s services to provide a full range of solutions to secure online business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions over the Internet and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).