Dimension Data has won a network contract to provide network infrastructure at Melbourne’s $550 million Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT).
The company will be installing over 60 Cisco wireless access points, physical connectivity to the data centre, lay fibre cabling and a CCTV network.
The ICT provider will also deploy an on-site data centre and provide IaaS for test and development from Dimension Data’s Melbourne Managed Cloud Platform.
The terminal, located in the city’s port Webb Dock East, is the largest commercial port in Australia. According to the company, it will also be one of the most automated and advanced container terminals in the world.
The 35.4 acre site is expected to be operational by Q4 2016, managing over one million containers per year automatically between ships and trucks.
Anders Dømmestrup, CEO of VICT, said: "Ultimately, the technical infrastructure will be supporting all of VICT’s mission critical information systems."