MapR is soon to release a new product to its Converged Data Platform that focuses on stream processing.

The benefit of stream processing is that it helps to provide unified security and reduces data duplication as well as the number of management tasks it takes to coordinate the flow.

The NoSQL company’s product, MapR Streams, forms part of the Converged Data Platform and is aimed at those that are collecting and analysing data in real-time.

The tool will combine with its existing offerings, MapR-FS for file storage and MapR-DB which is an in-Hadoop NoSQL database.

Described as an event streaming system by the company, it is designed to control and analyse big data as it streams. This is an area which touches closely to IoT devices and streaming data from sensors and devices.

One of the benefits of Streams being integrated into the Converged Data Platform, is that it will help to eliminate multiple data siloes, the company claims.

Streams will support standard APIs such as Apache Kafka, which enables the use of other stream processing tools like Spark, Storm and Flink to be used.

The product will be available in early 2016.