Barclays‘s mobile offering is set to be overhauled based on feedback from customers through the Launchpad app.

Billed by Barclays as a ‘first for financial services’, Launchpad will capture feedback and usage trends from customers who use the Barclays Mobile Banking app.

The learnings will be fed back into future applications from the bank to ensure that the features reflect what customers want.

Launchpad will also help fintech start-ups and partners to introduce new ideas to the bank’s customers.

Ruchir Rodrigues, Head of Digital Banking at Barclays said: "Seeing first hand the power that collaboration can have for start-ups, we recognise that we have a role to play in partnering with them to boost innovation and growth.

"We also think more needs to be done to bring customers into the heart of product and service development so that we can give them more of what they want and need."