The project, funded by a grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, screens youths for their use of alcohol and other drugs, symptoms and impairments for co-morbid mental disorders and other at-risk behaviors. Galvanon said its technology will aim to improve the screening services at the Columbus hospital, and provide its primary care physicians with valid results for each participating youth.

Unfortunately, many barriers exist to routing screening and monitoring in primary care settings, including the expense of traditional paper and pencil screening, complex scoring programs, competing demands on primary care clinicians and office staff, and the ability to track youth over time, said Kelly Kelleher, director of the office of clinical sciences at Columbus Children’s Hospital. Galvanon’s technology provides us with exceptional tools to complete this important screening process and manage the resulting research.

As part of the agreement with the hospital, Galvanon will automate the user identification and questionnaire completion process through its Customer Value Management (CVM) Enterprise Server, an information exchange platform that includes MediKiosk, eClipboard and the facility’s existing IT systems.