Oki claims its IP contact center system will help the bank improve its inbound and outbound business efficiency. Oki explained that by using the system, operators in charge can control the order of incoming calls and can take calls by implementing the free group function. In addition, by seamlessly connecting the activities of receiving loan enquires, screening, and responding, the bank simplifies the enquiry flow and eliminates paper-based methods.

Katsuyoshi Koide, president of multimedia messaging at Oki Electric, said, We believe our contact center system can help improve business efficiency and simplify the business flow at Suruga Bank, who is known for their innovative approach towards retail banking.

He continued, Years of experience and knowledge in the CTI market enable us to provide this CTstage 4i to the market. We plan to offer this system to customers in the financial institutions in Japan who plan to strengthen the role of their contact centers.