Ruckus Wireless has updated its Smart Wi-Fi technology software in efforts to improve the voice coverage of Wi-Fi calling for users.

The new updates are being integrated as standard features within the Ruckus portfolio of Smart Wi-Fi products to help ensure higher quality of IP-based voice calling over Wi-Fi, according to Ruckus.

"The innovations we’ve made will improve the reliability and quality of Wi-Fi Calling applications, which enables both service providers and enterprises to extract greater value from their Wi-Fi infrastructure," said Ruckus’s COO Dan Rabinovitsj.

"While voice over Wi-Fi isn’t new, the ability to deliver a carrier-class voice service over Wi-Fi is something that no one has mastered, until now."

The innovations enable real-time, bidirectional voice calls that demand a narrow set of operating parameters from the network, which are designed to improve the quality of Wi-Fi Calling.

They also include new proprietary capabilities, such as capacity-based client access control, Wi-Fi multimedia admission controls, directed roaming, and automatic packet flow heuristics.

Ruckus said the integration of these along with other Smart Wi-Fi innovations into Ruckus products will help organisations ensure improved performance of voice over Wi-Fi communications.

The integration of these and other new Smart Wi-Fi innovations into Ruckus products should help organisations ensure optimal performance of voice over Wi-Fi communications.

David Morken, co-Founder and CEO of Republic Wireless, said: "As a pioneer in ‘Wi-Fi First’ smartphone technology, Republic requires the highest performance from our corporate wireless network.

"With Ruckus, we’ve got the Wi-Fi environment our engineers require in order to continue delivering new services and features for our customers."