The website replaces a static website with an interactive user-friendly structure and layout, and aims to provide North Yorkshire’s citizens with access to up-to-date information and services across the council’s departments.

By incorporating a search engine, an A-Z directory of council services, and a site map, the new site intends to ensure an enhanced user experience and to minimize the time required to find information on the site.

North Yorkshire County Council and Agilisys developed the information architecture and structure of the site following the framework (e-GMF) of category hierarchy outlined by the Cabinet Office e-Government Unit.

The website includes content management and a portal solution from the software provider Vignette, which seek to allow the council to update and maintain information directly to the site without the need for IT resources. The content management software also provides approval workflow, assisting with editorial consistency and integrity.

Gordon Gresty, Corporate Director of Business and Community Services at North Yorkshire County Council, said The County Council sees an improved web-site as a key component of its Public Access Agenda and critical to achieve its e-gov targets.

The website forms part of a ten-year contract for which Agilisys is preferred bidder.