Delta Health will be employing Choicelinx’s Plan Selector and Enrollment Manager decision support tools to help its customers make more informed choices when selecting insurance plans.
Using the tools consumers are given detailed product information and estimates of their expected family usage of medical services and related costs enabling fact-based decisions to be made about their benefits coverage. As part of the new offering, consumers will also have 24/7 access to enrollment information and transactions that are transferred electronically to health plan enrollment and eligibility systems.
Choicelinx’ web-based solutions are ideal for providing our customers with detailed information about their enrollment options, said Leslie Hirschfield, vice president of Consumer and Corporate Services at Delta Health Systems.
We believe these flexible and customizable tools will help us to improve the overall benefits experience of plan participants. With Choicelinx, the tools are available to support more consumer-focused health care products and we are taking a leadership role in bringing them to the marketplace.