The Medical-Grade Network Assessment tool aims to enable healthcare executives to objectively evaluate their network capacity and capabilities against the delivery of their healthcare services and business objectives.

The e-Radiology solution combines Picture Archival Communications Systems (PACS) applications with a converged network in order to help optimize the transfer, access and storage of medical images and patient data to enhance consultation, time to diagnosis and time to treatment.

It is thought that this solution will provide relief to the ever-present problem of staff shortages and the increase in demand for digital images generated in radiology and cardiology suites.

The two technologies will form part of the Cisco Medical-Grade Network, an industry model that hopes to define an optimized network for healthcare delivery and provide a secure foundation for medical devices to operate at peak performance.

A Cisco Medical-Grade Network represents another big step towards a world of ‘Connected Health,’ where the network can help surgeons conduct medical procedures 400 kilometers away from their patients, or a quarter of a mile below the ocean surface, said Pierre-Paul Allard, vice president of enterprise marketing for Cisco. With the help of an intelligent, integrated network, care can be provided anywhere, anytime, to help improve patient treatments and increase caregiver productivity.