The Citibank Alerting Service immediately notifies customers, through a text message on their mobile phone or by e-mail, of various kinds of account activity that the customer chooses to receive. According to Citibank, the benefit of the customized monitoring service from a security standpoint is that it accelerates its ability to identify irregular usage and shortens the time taken to alert customers.

Amongst other security features, the service will notify customers when transactions for an amount higher than E150 are executed with their credit card. Customers may also choose to receive a message when the last payment’s expiration date draws near or when they have used 90% of their credit lines. A weekly update by text message with the balance of their account is also possible.

Alain Hemelinckx, Channel director, said, A credit card holder should feel safe, in control and at ease with the card he uses. The launch of Citibank Alerting Service allows our customers to have even greater control over their expenses. Citibank aims to bring its customers in Belgium an innovative suite of services that best supports their lifestyles and meets their needs.