The privately-held company recently closed the books on its second quarter, attributing what it calls astounding growth to internal execution and the successful launch and uptake of two new products (ES Planning and ES Information Delivery).

Despite increased consolidation in the BPM software sector, stalking giants like Cognos Inc, Hyperion Solutions Corp, and ever increasing interest from large ERP players, its perhaps surprising that Cartesis is still around as an independent software firm.

CEO Didier Benchimol however pointed out that the Paris, France-based company isn’t just surviving but also prospering, and continues to expand its business globally.

Its notable that we saw further international revenue diversification, with a 174% increase in license revenue originating outside of France.

He also claims his company is outstripping industry growth. Analysts say the financial BPM software is growing between 9-11% annually.

Benchimol claims that that Cartesis’ license revenue is over 4 times that, and last year recorded an impressive 43% growth in revenue. He said that over 20% of this was from Cartesis newer planning and information delivery products.