Paris, France-based Atos will provide Premiere with a range of IT operations including desktop and server management, and application development and support. The contract will come into effect on September 1, with over 100 Premiere IT staff based in Hamburg and Munich transferring to Atos.

The contract win is the latest in a string of successes for Atos in Germany. In the last year, the company has announced a $1.4bn deal with the IT subsidiary of retail giant KarstadtQuelle AG, a $400m agreement with mobile telecoms provider E-Plus, and an eight-year outsourcing contract with latex products manufacturer PolymerLatex.

In its results for the first half of 2005, Atos reported a 94% increase in revenue in Germany and central Europe. Sales in the region totaled 274m euros ($334.6m), up from 141m euros ($172.2m) in the same period the previous year. This increase was due largely to the impact of the KarstadtQuelle deal.