For the National Geographic Channel, Planit said it has provided 3D animated shots and motion graphics for five television specials, The Perfect Swarm, Tales of the Tomb, Shock and Awe and two animal behavioral shows, Spider Sex and Hogzilla.

The firm will also aim to develop an interactive game-like experience for the Knowledge Station, an interactive kiosk created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the NASA consortium National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI) that will travel to nationwide science centers from July to educate in the challenges of space exploration.

As advertisers and marketers, we’re in the business of storytelling and animation is changing the way we tell stories, said Matt Doud, president of Planit. It has evolved from an entertainment tool into a more versatile, commercial communications vehicle that informs and entertains an audience. The demand for this type of innovative service is growing in this marketplace, and as one of the few agencies with rich animation capabilities, Planit is filling that need.