OnePage provides users a customizable view of news and information. Additionally, OnePage enables institutions to push targeted content from the public college website directly to users. OnePage enables administrators to deploy different page templates for different groups of users.

To encourage user adoption, OnePage provides users with a special drag-and-drop region where they can further personalize their page by adding and organizing content from other web sources including RSS news feeds, photos and favorite links.

To help unify and streamline the web communications process, OnePage also provides access to campus-sanctioned tools such as email and chat, as well as a message broadcast feature for delivering personalized messages to users anytime they’re logged in.

Lance Merker, president and CEO of WebsiteASP, said: With OnePage, the website comes in the form of a page that’s controlled by the college, but gives the user the kind of personalized online experience they can get with something like Google Home and MyYahoo.