The platform includes PharmacyCentral, an automated pharmacy storage and retrieval system, and OmniRx medication dispensing systems, ATMs for prescription drugs that automate the management and dispensing of medications at the point of use.
In addition, Omnicell will provide OmniLinkRx on each nursing floor to digitalize the delivery of physician drug orders to the medical center’s central pharmacy, and SafetyMed RN, set for final installation by the end of March, in an attempt to help ensure patient safety by performing verification checks at the patient’s bedside when a medication is administered or quick clinical checks for possible drug interactions in emergency situations.
The Medical Center expects the installation of these tools to increase efficiency and productivity within the organization.
Ken Nichols, director of pharmacy at Jeff Anderson Regional Medical Center, said the deployment of MedGuard allowed him to cut staff costs by 25%. The national shortage of pharmacists coupled with new government regulations for improving patient safety make this technology an extremely powerful tool for protecting patients, he added.