The Arkos Risk Management System has been designed to model drug utilization, taking into account risk assessment and pharmacy intervention programs. Using Arkos, PMSI-Tmesys is confident its clinical pharmacists will be able to identify the probability of adverse drug reactions and alert physicians and payors so that care can be modified before problems occur.

Through a computerized screening process, Arkos evaluates each patient’s drug and medical history to assess risk status. Clinicians then analyze the data to spot cases that could present future medical complications and need be directed into early case management for closer monitoring. The information is communicated to the payor and an intervention program is recommended.

PMSI-Tmesys says that its drug utilization software will allow it to spot issues before they become larger, more expensive healthcare problems. For example, the Arkos system could flag a patient record of an injured worker who showed risk factors for heart problems and who was taking medication that could heighten the chances of a heart attack or stroke.