LifeKeeper runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and 4, Novell SUSE Enterprise Linux Server 8 and 9, Asianux Linux 1.0 and 2.0, and a little-known variant of RHEL 3 called WhiteBox Enterprise Linux 3.0, which was created by a public governmental body in Louisiana that did not want to upgrade to RHEL 4.

With LifeKeeper for Linux V5.1.1, SteelEye is adding multipathing disk array support for EMC’s Clariion and Symmetrix arrays and IBM’s DS and ESS arrays; the software already supported multipathing on Hewlett-Packard MSA and EVA arrays.

Multipathing allows redundant data paths to disk archives from the server through networks, switches, and disk controllers back to the places where the data is stored on drives, which means a failure along any part of that line linking the server to the drive does not kill the application running on the server.