The modular design of both products allows medical practices to add features over time or eventually grow the software into a fully functional electronic medical record (EMR).

Both products are tailored for practices seeking to automate all prescription-related and other functions for an initial investment that is less than a complete EMR, said Cathy Huddle, Companion Technologies’ vice president for sales and marketing. Functionality can be added for those who choose to transition to Companion EMR, our certified point-of-care electronic medical record.

Companion EMRx is an e-prescribing software package that allows providers to print prescriptions from any secured computer, or electronically transmit them directly to a pharmacy.

The software eliminates illegible, hand-written prescriptions that can lead to callbacks from the pharmacy or even serious medical errors; maintains each patient’s prescription history for easy refills; tracks current diagnoses and alerts the provider when a patient may have adverse reactions; and warns of dangerous drug interactions.

Companion says that EMRxpress has the same features as EMRx, plus added benefits that more closely resemble a full EMR. It features fully automated computerized physician order entry (CPOE); access to electronic lab orders and results reporting through lab management interfaces; and editable progress notes where scanned or imported images, documents and dictation can be placed directly in a patient’s EMR.