As part of a new strategy designed to raise awareness and adoption of master data management, a type of metadata integration, the company has is offering a trio of so-called business value services for data lifecycle auditing, return on investment and buy versus build decisions.

The goal of the services, according to San Mateo, California-based Siperian, is to help companies build a solid business case to justify their investment in CDI-related technologies like master data management and fast-track implementations for quicker results.

The lifecycle service helps companies understand the current state of their customer data and identifies key process improvement opportunities. The ROI service quantifies benefits of master data management. And the buy versus build service qualifies the difference between sourcing off the shelf master data management tools and developing it from scratch.

The services bundle financial assessments and custom Siperian templates that compare the total cost of ownership between build and buy master data management systems.

The services are supported by a fast-start service to help get CDI projects up and running quickly on Siperian’s Hub technology.

Building a solid business case for customer- centric master data management is critical when seeking senior executive buy-in for projects like CDI, said Peter Caswell, president and CEO of Siperian.

Often, companies don’t fully understand how much unreliable data can impact their bottom line…or they can’t quantify the benefits to justify an investment, he added.