Thirty of the signing came from civil agencies, accounting for $192.9m. The other 69 deals, totaling $457.6 million came from Department of Defense agencies. Significant awards came specifically from the Army, Navy, Internal Revenue Service, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Transportation, and several intelligence agencies, according to a CSC release.

In the private sector, CSC also announced $260m worth of contract extension for its significant IT outsourcing relationship with defense contractor General Dynamics. The contract extends through 2012 and includes work in the General Dynamic’s former Veridian division, as well as its information system, network systems and Gulfstream aerospace business. CSC will provide the full range of IT work, including applications development and maintenance, desktop, mainframe, midrange, network, and help desk duties.

The deals build upon a strong outsourcing relationship between CSC and General Dynamics. In 1991 they signed a ten-year, $3bn IT contract and have since expanded and extended it, including a $1.63bn deal this April to extend certain services through 2012.