The move is expected to go ahead in February, despite recent reports of several US-based IT companies turning their backs on India due to call and service quality concerns.

Concerto will most probably target Hyderabad and Bangalore for its help desk center, which will provide worldwide product and technical support. Concerto’s help desk operations are mostly handled from three centers located in the US, UK, and Singapore.

The company also has a small 30-man call center operation in Mumbai providing basic level one support for global customers.

Concerto’s move goes against a growing backlash against offshore IT sourcing. In December last year New York-based financial services outfit Lehman Brothers confirmed it had ceased outsourcing its helpdesk to Indian services firm Wipro, citing poor quality of service.

Earlier, US computer manufacturer Dell Inc was reported to have stopped routing calls from corporate customers to its call center in India after receiving similar complaints about service quality.

This article is based on material originally produced by ComputerWire.