The purpose of the deployment is to issue and manage the electronic certificates to facilitate secure communications with Countrywide’s customers and employees. It is expected to aid Countrywide in its effort to develop, deploy and scale secure applications and e-business services by automating and centralizing the management of digital certificates.

According to Arlene Tellez, who managed the project for Countrywide Financial, RSA’s solution has reduced the time spent on administrative tasks and the lag time in certificate issuance: We have benefited from significant cost-savings, reliability, quick issuance of certificates, and flexibility with licensing requirements, she added. Additionally, migration from an outsourced solution to the RSA Keon solution did not incur significant implementation time or loss in access or productivity.

RSA Keon Root Signing service extends the value of RSA Keon digital certificate management software by enabling enterprises to chain their certificate authority to RSA Security’s trusted root, thereby attempting to ensure widely recognized and trusted SSL and client certificates.