The allegations follow similar allegations in a UK newspaper which alleged that UK customers’ banking details where also being sold illegally.

India’s National Association of Software and Services Companies issued a statement that said: Nasscom is concerned that such reports emanate from ‘entrapment operations’ and no person has reported any harm yet; in the absence of a formal complaint, even the enforcement officials cannot launch formal investigations and apprehend the criminals.

Nasscom urged the media organizations involved to provide details to the authorities, and claimed that its member organizations are strong upholders of data privacy and have been continuously strengthening both the legal and enforcement framework for data protection.

While both of the scandals occurred in India, Nasscom claimed that the problem was not unique to any single nation, but admitted that the problem is unlikely to diminish as criminals will continue to outpace technology.

Earlier this year Nasscom announced plans to establish a register for IT professionals in the country in order to ensure that only suitable staff are employed in the industry.