JAERI has placed an order for a new 2,048-processor Altix server to serve as its new core computational platform in the development of energy systems, to be delivered by Fujitsu Ltd in cooperation with SGI Japan.
The nuclear energy research and development facility has selected Mountain View, California-based SGI’s recently introduced high-density Altix 3700 Bx2 model, which includes 2,048 Intel Corp Itanium 2 processors, a version of the Linux operating system, and 13TB of memory.
The system is scheduled to be fully operable by the end of March 2005. It will be used as part of a plan to integrate systems at the Tokai Research Establishment with the Naka Fusion Research Establishment, which will be enabled by a TP9300 disk system and SGI CXFS shared file system.
Additionally, JAERI will also use SGI Onyx UltimateVision visualization systems at Tokai and SGI Prism systems at Naka to create 3D visualization of the data generated by the Altix system.