Its technology is based on a lightweight agent that the company claims does not impact performance or impinge on end user privacy.

The latest release, Introscope 6.0, is available now. New features broaden access to the appserver monitoring console to more users, improving integration with Mercury LoadRunner load testing, and adding a new a la carte product extension that caches and tracks actual transaction errors in real time.

Specifically, version 6.0 adds a new console lens feature that allows customers to design and reuse templates for appserver monitoring dashboards. Developers use a visual tool to specify the parameters that are tracked on the console, save it as a template, and then point it to any Java appserver instance.

Additionally, version 6.0 adds a more efficient web viewer that enables more end users to gain simultaneous access to the appserver console.

Together, these tools provide the first steps towards designing different versions of the console to appeal to different classes of users, such as database or system administrators and business analysts or process owners. However, version 6.0 does not provide collaboration tools that would enable different classes of users to personalize their own dashboards, yet.

Version 6.0 also adds new SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) adapters that can tie in with Mercury’s load testing tools. Here, the distinction between monitoring and testing becomes blurred, as Wily’s tools are typically used to monitor actual loads and transaction processes, while load testers have traditionally focused on simulations.

Version 6.0 also integrates Browser Response Time Adapter, which provides a browser based view of what’s happening to an interaction, with Introscope’s Transaction Tracer feature. It works by adding a small non-invasive agent that attaches to the HTML and HTTP as the interaction hits the database, application, or network. The new integration enables browser response to be correlated with specific transactions monitored by Introscope.

As part of the new release, Wily is adding a new Error Detector product that extends the flagship Introscope product. The new Error Detector product can flag an error, such as an HTTP 404 error (page cannot be displayed) or a broken transaction, and display it to administrators while the problem is still occurring.

Although written as part of the core Introscope engine, for now Wily is test-driving the feature as a separate offering to see if it should become part of the core product.

Among the rare bright spots in the Java middleware market, Wily Technology’s revenues have grown 85% in the first half of this year compared to last. It has established a niche as one of the few viable third party Java monitoring alternatives to proprietary appserver consoles or more general-purpose enterprise systems management frameworks.