The company introduced the G1000 and G1000F, aimed at gigabit speed deployments on copper and fiber networks respectively, and the M30, an appliance designed for corporate networks with less than 500 users.

The G series of Proventia devices are pure intrusion prevention, using similar software to ISS’s flagship RealSecure intrusion detection systems but designed for in-line deployments that actually block attacks.

The M series appliances, meanwhile, are in the so-called god box category, cramming in more perimeter security functionality such as antivirus and stateful inspection firewall filtering. Anti-spam and web filtering will come in the second quarter.

ISS said the M30 will sell for $3,495 and that the G1000 and G1000F will sell for $34,995 and $36,995 respectively.

This article is based on material originally published by ComputerWire