Lindon, Utah-based SCO’s OpenServer 6 operating system was launched in June of last year and included version 4.1 of the open source MySQL database. A trial version of the MySQL Network service, which includes production support, certified software, updates, technical advice, and access to the MySQL Knowledge Base is now also included.

Following the joint development agreement, SCO will also include version 5.0 of Uppsala, Sweden-based MySQL’s database from mid-to-late February, while four different levels of subscription to MySQL Network are also available.

The development agreement between SCO and MySQL proved a controversial one considering SCO’s ongoing litigation against IBM Corp and Novell Inc and previous claims that the GNU General Public License violates the US constitution.

MySQL’s CEO, Marten Mickos, defended the company’s actions, however, stating that it wanted to serve customers irrespective of their platform, and open a dialog with SCO to create better understanding within the Unix vendor of the open source movement.