New YouGov research shows that 38% of US consumers would switch mobile operators to achieve better coverage at work.

The survey, commissioned by SpiderCloud Wireless, which polled 1004 US consumers who use their personal mobile phone for work purposes, also found that 36% were unsure but would consider switching.

In addition, 40% of respondents reported they would be happier and more productive if their mobile coverage was better at work.

"Both consumers and IT decision makers share the common pain point when faced with poor celluallar coverage at work. Today’s workforce is a mobile connected workforce," said Ronny Haraldsvik, CMO, SpiderCloud Wireless. "The YouGov research findings from 2014 and 2013 show consistent feedback: reliable mobile coverage and capacity indoors is a critical need for today’s enterprise customers."

These findings come at a time when corporate Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies are gathering widespread traction. 60% of all those surveyed stated they would be willing to use their personal mobile device for work duties if they would not be billed for mobile usage inside the office.

"Ensuring employees are mobile-enabled is increasingly becoming mission critical," said Art King, director of enterprise services and technologies, SpiderCloud Wireless. "Productivity through mobility is a competitive advantage and important for employee job satisfaction. As the Internet of Things makes buildings and devices smarter, and wearables penetrate the enterprise, the always-connected mobile workforce is a must-do requirement for enterprise IT."