The online resources available at Real World Connect include a curriculum of distance learning courses, a nationally recognized database of health information resources, a personalized service that provides answers to health questions, and an online collection of award-winning student art and the scientific research that inspired it.

Technology from StarBak Communications is helping power the new web portal, in line with an agreement established between Cleveland Clinic and StarBak in September to collaborate on enhancing learning opportunities available to Cleveland-area schools.

StarBak is providing its Integrated Network Video platform to facilitate video streaming and archiving so that Cleveland Clinic’s video archive and distance learning programs can be more accessible to regional students in a variety of formats.

Making available this broad array of educational resources online will strengthen lesson plans, enhance materials available for school projects and research papers, and improve the access to current health information, said Rosalind Strickland, senior director of Cleveland Clinic’s Office of Civic Education Initiatives. These resources have the potential to benefit countless students, educators and home schoolers.