As a result of the partnership, part of a change program known as Digitizing EMI Music, EMI expects to achieve greater efficiency, optimize its distribution in an increasingly digital world, and maximize its marketing capabilities. EMI says Microsoft technologies will enable EMI to move music quickly and more securely, facilitate faster information flow, and aid in the development of artists across its global business borders.

The Digitizing EMI Music initiative is being rolled out across all 50 countries in which EMI Music operates directly. According to EMI, the new IT systems being implemented will impact important internal processes at EMI, such as the way music flows from the studio through manufacturing and distribution and, ultimately, to the consumer. Business processes that are being transformed include: digital storage, transaction management, management processes and the marketing hub.

James Anderson, chief information officer for EMI Music said, EMI is focused on the long-term development and marketing of artists globally, capitalizing on the emerging digital marketplace, adding value for consumers and our partners whilst also combating music piracy. This technology change program will help us achieve these goals in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

EMI insisted that its relationship with Microsoft will play a key role in allowing the company to address the new challenges and added complexity of the digital era.