The first Service Pack (SP) for the two-year-old Windows Server 2003 was released yesterday, featuring a security configuration wizard, Windows firewall and the ability to block in-bound connections until the latest security updates from Microsoft have been applied.

Internet Information Services (IIS) allows administrators to identify malicious users while Network Access Quarantine Control allows administrators to isolate out-of-date systems connected through a virtual private network (VPN).

Windows server division senior vice president Bob Muglia said in a statement the SP helps address certain specific cases of exploits. The first Windows Small Business Server 2003 SP is due during the next 60 days.

Meanwhile, Microsoft has also released to manufacturing 64-bit editions of Windows Server 2003, called Windows Sever 2003 x64 Editions, and Windows XP Professional Edition, called Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. The servers will be made available through partners in late April, Microsoft said.