Leumit is using the BreachGate WebDefend web application security appliance to secure its heavily-used internal web application, which supports 370 locations and 700,000 patients in the State of Israel. Leumit also intends to expand the WebDefend deployment to add protection for additional web applications transmitting sensitive patient information.

Leumit’s web application serves more than 4,500 users including 1,500 doctors, nurses, and administrators that track patient records, insurance and care online. Leumit is planning to provide its patients with a web portal for setting doctor appointments, accessing lab results, and retrieving medical histories that will also be protected by the WebDefend appliance.

Securing an individual’s private medical records is a growing healthcare concern worldwide as more hospitals and healthcare systems turn to the web to improve patient care and cut rising healthcare costs, said Marc Shinbrood, president and CEO of Breach Security. The BreachGate WebDefend monitors Leumit’s patient web application based on how the application is used and alerts the IT staff to coding errors that can either be a source of a security breach or inhibit application availability.

The appliance secures web applications by automatically building and maintaining targeted application security parameters used to validate all communication with the web application. Traffic that does not match the application’s profile is routed through collaborative detection engines that lock out anomalous traffic to verify the type of attack taking place and employ appropriate countermeasures.

In addition, WebDefend’s ExitControl technology monitors outgoing responses from web applications and employs BreachMarks, or patterns used to detect content-critical data, such as credit cards and social security numbers, from leaving the corporate network.