Micromuse uses auto-discovery techniques and agents to gather information about the components and overall design of networked infrastructures, including assets and inventory, device capacity, utilization, port/circuit provisioning state, active services and connectivity.

This information is then stored in a configuration management database, allowing asset reporting and reconciliation with inventory, provisioning and billing processes.

The new Netcool/Application Discovery module automatically discovers the components associated with business applications, their configurations, and their inter-dependencies, the company said. That process is seen as a key building block in the development of business service management schemas.

Instead of introducing complexity with a set of agents, the Collation software builds on existing instrumentation and standards to gather configuration and dependency information without requiring the installation and maintenance of agents.

Standard interfaces like JMX and SNMP are used to obtain the information required to gather disparate data about the identity, configuration and settings of application, system and network components.

The discovery engine instructs and coordinates sensors to determine and collect the identity, attributes and settings data. The company claims that these remote sensors are available for all the leading data center components and Version 3 of the software comes with a complement of 175 sensors.