The project, to be completed by the end of 2008, covers 2G and 3G radio and core equipment, services including network implementation, integration and care as well as an upgrade of the network and service management solution to reduce dropped calls.

According to Nokia Siemens Networks, it will extend the existing prepaid charging platform to allow mt:s to offer loyalty programs to its subscribers. Nokia Siemens Networks radio access network is based on Flexi base station, which is claimed to provide operational savings and reduce power consumption by up to 70%, as compared to traditional equipment

Miodrag Radojevic, in charge of business with the Telekom Serbija group at Nokia Siemens, said: Energy efficient solutions are vital for operators as energy costs are the third most significant cost category for an average mobile operator. Of that energy almost 90% is used in the base stations, so an efficient solution isn’t just better for the environment, but better for business.