Web-filtering services provider Bloxx has announced that The High School of Glasgow has installed its software to monitor internet activity at the school. The new system will also provide added security to the school network.

The school previously used web-filtering technology from SurfControl, but IT Staff were concerned that adequate protection from inappropriate sites was not in place. SurfControl uses a list of URLs to decide which websites are inappropriate for students and staff to visit. Users were able to bypass banned sites by using anonymous proxies.

An anonymous proxy is a website that can enable people to access websites that would otherwise be blocked by web-filtering software. According to the company, staff had to block access to sites using URL lists, which was a time-consuming process.

The High School of Glasgow has installed Bloxx’s Tru-View web-filtering software. According to Bloxx, Tru-View uses identification methods and analysis techniques that enable inappropriate websites to be blocked quicker than when using traditional URL and keyword-based methods. Bloxx says it can automatically detect and deny access to most newly created anonymous proxy websites. It can provide instant classification of content on a website, even if the site has not been accessed before. This has reduced the workload for IT staff at the school.

Thomas Makridis, network manager at The High School of Glasgow, said: Not only has Bloxx significantly reduced costs and made my job easier but, more importantly, by design it is much more effective and efficient than SurfControl was. It also has the bonus of malware and anti-virus functionality, adding additional layers of protection to our IT network.

Eamonn Doyle, managing director at Bloxx, said: Children of this generation are becoming increasingly tech-savvy. This, coupled with the issue of anonymous proxies, means that schools need to strike a balance between protecting their students online, yet still enable them to take advantage of the internet as a valuable source of information. As the school has such a diverse range of ages and subjects, it is important that the network manager has the ability to tailor the solution to meet the specific needs of the users.

The High School of Glasgow is one of the oldest schools in the UK. It caters to students up to the age of 18, and currently has around 1,100 pupils.