According to Nokia, the field trial, conducted on optical fiber on the Verizon network in north Dallas, proved that 100Gbps signals can be simultaneously transported with 10Gbps and 40Gbps signals on the same system by using advanced optical techniques.

According to Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN), its hiT 7500 ultra-long-haul, dense-wavelength-division-multiplexing platform, combined with multi-level modulation, polarization multiplexing and coherent detection, allowed the signal to be carried over ultra-long distances at high-data rates with better chromatic dispersion and polarization-mode-dispersion tolerances than conventional systems.

Like Verizon’s previous 100Gbps trial in late 2007, this field trial also carried the 100Gbps signal on a single wavelength, demonstrating 100Gbps throughput in a serial configuration. In this field trial, the modulation technology enabled an even higher total system capacity of eight terabits per second.

Bernd Schumacher, head of Nokia Siemens Networks’ IP transport business unit, said: This is another groundbreaking milestone for Nokia Siemens Networks and Verizon’s photonic networking expertise in shaping the development of a 100G commercial product. This field trial was a logical next step to demonstrate that our optical-transport technology adds value to our customers’ core networks.