According to the company, the solution will enable law enforcement officers to stay on patrol while identifying individuals with outstanding criminal issues or warrants and also helps to enhance border control management as agents can utilize the mobile solution to verify immigration status in remote areas.

Part of Motorola’s MOTOA4 portfolio, the MC70/75 enterprise digital assistants (EDAs) with biometric attachment feature a commercial off-the-shelf platform, offering agencies enhanced solution flexibility with an ecosystem of peripherals and accessories. The platform is also claimed to enable flexibility in the delivery of applications as the biometric attachment supports Motorola’s Mobile AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) solution as well as applications developed by third parties.

Girish Rishi, vice president and general manager for Motorola applications and data solutions, said: Motorola’s MC70/75 EDAs with the new biometric attachment are uniquely suited for the mobility needs of government officials, law enforcement officers and enterprise security agents. This solution helps agencies increase productivity and enhance response time at the point of activity.