Filtran Microcircuits is a printed circuit board manufacturer based in Ottawa, Ontario and focused primarily on the manufacture of microwave printed circuit boards for high frequency applications. It generated annual revenues of approximately $4 million in 2007.

FTG has acquired advanced and unique processing equipment, process know-how, customer contracts as well as the working capital of Filtran. As part of the acquisition, FTG has entered into a separate agreement with Merrimac, Filtran’s parent company, to provide printed circuit boards.

We are excited about this deal as it enables FTG to continue its strategy of consolidating printed circuit board manufacturers into a larger, more capable company that can compete on a world scale, said Brad Bourne, president and chief executive at FTG. Canadian manufacturers, including FTG, have been hard hit by the continued year-over-year appreciation of the Canadian dollar and strong commodity prices. Building larger scale, particularly in specialized technologies, is a critical strategy in attempting to overcome these external factors.

In the similar move, FTG acquired the printed circuit board business from Action Circuits in January 2007.

Source:ComputerWire daily updates