The Kozio solution simplifies product development by providing complete hardware validation suites for design, manufacturing and to ship with the product. Kozio is helping manufacturers of communications, imaging, wireless and industrial control equipment succeed in the challenge of rapidly releasing new products to meet consumer demands.

Kozio’s kDiagnostics provides a manufacturing solution for functional testing of AMCC processor-based hardware, including the PowerPC 460 series of processors, as well as numerous other CPUs and chipsets.

Standard hardware test suites include focus, flow, and stress testing for DDR1/2 SDRAM, SRAM, USB 2.0, PCI, PCI Express, SATA-II, Serial RapidIO, 10/100/Gb ethernet, and other components which can save man-years of test development effort. With Kozio’s functional test technology you isolate failures to components at full processor speeds, reducing your test cost, improving product quality, and improving customer satisfaction.